What’s new in Zultys release 15

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What’s new in Zultys release 14
May 8, 2019
What’s new in Zultys release 16
July 22, 2020
Zultys Feature Image 2
What’s new in Zultys release 14
May 8, 2019
What’s new in Zultys release 16
July 22, 2020

What’s new in Zultys release 15

Zultys feature Image

New Features in Zultys MX Release 15

Secure RTP(SRTP) for MXnetwork

Voice traffic(RTP) between MXnetwork nodes is now automatically encrypted using Secure RTP(SRTP) . If you have multiple phone systems configured as a group, all your voice communications between systems are now automatically encrypted.

Automatic Patch Manager

This feature provides a method for the MX to automatically download/install new patches. In addition, a scheduling feature is added so that patch installation can be set to execute at a specified date/time

Number Lists

This feature provides a method to have numbers analyzed prior to routing to destinations in the Dial Plan. This feature can be used to create “blacklists” for unwanted numbers , or route VIP customers automatically to an appropriate group or user. Each list can hold up to 2048 numbers.

Recall to Originator

This feature allows users to transfer a call using a special code(or prefix key) so that if the transfer party does not answer the call, the transferred call can be configured to recall back to the transfer originator. The recall will occur prior to the transferred call going to voicemail or following call handling rules.

Transfer to Service Extensions

This feature allows a user who receives a transferred call to return the call to the originating source. The user does not need to know the exact extension of the transferring source. The user can simply transfer the call back to a service extension which will deliver the call to the originator of the transfer. Service extension can be created for answer point, user, operator, and Auto Attendant


 Automatic Certificate Support

This feature provides a method to obtain a trusted certificate, securely configure it for use, and automatically take care of renewal through simple MX Administrator configuration. The certificate is based on the Lets’ Encrypt Certificate Authority service which eliminates costly CA certificates and less secure self-signed certificates. Let’s Encrypt certificates are standard Domain Validation certificates.

Warm Transfer

A user may now perform an warm(or consultative) transfer. Warm transfer allows a 3 way conversation to occur and then the transferring party may hang up and connect the remaining parties.



The contact center wallboard is now introduced as a web based application.Supervisors can now monitor group statistics, create/manage templates, as well as configure alerts for specific conditions.

Trunk Limit

This feature provides a means to limit the total amount of calls that can be in use for SIP trunks. This allows total number of calls, total inbound, and total outbound call thresholds to be configured.


MXconference Improvement

MXconference has been improved to now allow users entering a conference to press a digit to bypass the conferenceID confirmation playback

Override CallerID Name from CAD variable

This feature allows a callerID name and number to be configured on a per location basis. Once configured, this name and number will be sent as outbound callerID for calls placed from that location


Special Route Type for External Dial Plans

New route types for use with the external dial plan feature have been added to the MX system

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